twineIT Customer Engagement and Marketing Platform
twineIT’s unique platform gives you the power to create engaging experiences, adding energy and fun to your establishment, while inviting customers to come in more often & spend more money!
Elevate your customers’ experience by allowing them to…
Engage with your brand by taking commemorative photos.
Send photos, boomerangs, and GIF’s to their mobile phone or email addresses.
Receive communication with promotions, reminders & announcements via text, email and social media.
Customer Brand Engagement
Commemorative Photo Op
Wall Mount option pictured
Turn your customers into Social Ambassadors for your brand by offering them the opportunity to…
Take commemorative photos, GIFs, and Boomerangs.
Interact with your private online commemorative photo gallery, via our iOS/Android App or website, allowing them to share their photos on their personal social media accounts.
View your gallery on a In-Store Digital Display, including your own ads/promotions.
Your choice of twineIT Access Points include:
Wall Mount with ring light, protective hood, iPad Pro 12.9” and remote iPad management.
Mobile Handheld with ring light, iPad 10.5”, remote iPad management, portable batteries and carry case.
Portable Kiosk* with ring light, custom branded panels, iPad Pro 12.9” and remote iPad management.
Custom-Mount* to your own needs and specifications.
Building a Viral Customer List
We make it easy for your customers to view, share and interact
Customers will send their commemorative photos to their mobile number or email which they can forward along to friends and family - expanding your communications and developing your viral customer list.
Customer Opt-In List features:
Access to your customer’s name, mobile phone numbers and emails.
Accessibility through the online dashboard.
Ability to segment customer lists by campaign, situation, or event.
Can be downloaded (CSV).
Customer Communications
twineit marketing services
With the twineIT Marketing Services, you can count on us to craft targeted text and email communications resulting in customer engagement and increased sales.
The twineIt Marketing Team will manage:
Mass text and email campaigns - including promotions, reminders, contests and announcements.
A web page for your customers to receive announcements and redeem your promotions.
The evolution of your viral customer list, as contacts opt-in/unsubscribe.
Measure, Analyze & Report
twineit provides valuable feedback about your customers
Our powerful measurement & reporting tools track:
Customer engagement
Your viral customer list
Targeted text/email campaigns